Well the house warming party was postponed because our new kitchen arrived - yay! Massive woop woop actually and can't wait for it to be fitted now. Waiting for our new living room suite to be delivered in the next few weeks too. Thank goodness for our families - they've helped us out so much.
On the JCS front, I've sent out lovely mail-shots to 16 local tack shops, stables and riding schools requesting kindly that they display my business cards etc. and to the riding schools I've asked them if they have any vacancies. Bit of a waiting game really now. Have put a couple of ads up too. One in the local paper that goes online too and on Lincs Equestrian. My details should be up with the BHS soon waiting for registration to be completed.
I'm going to a Business Link seminar tonight called Marketing Your New Business so hopefully going to get some tips on raising awareness of my services.
My fab Client No.1 has taken some bumpf to the big T superstore where she works and distributed it to fellow horse riders in the hope they might like me to teach them too. I am now teaching No.1 every week and have devised a 20 week fitness programme for her neddy. You may be thinking 20 weeks?? Yes well, this is a very busy owner and I don;t want to pressure her too much, so we have stretched the programme out to suit her and her horse.
I've also finished the last book in the Twilight Saga this week.
What to say? I think it is a great series of books for teenagers as it is very easy to read and imaginative but not very grown up and sadly I felt the last book wanting. It was good but think it could have been a bit better. Moving on to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo next or possibly a Jodi Picoult novel. I LOVE to read. So much so I've bought 8 books from Ebay recently all relating to horses and coaching and fitness and physiology and dressage. Looking forward to tackling those too.
Right, think I'll pop the kettle on for a cuppa tea ....