After that I nipped to school M. For a cob that has never done any schooling let alone any proper dressage schooling before, she was a superstar practising prelim 7 and 10 moves yesterday. She's not fit but she's such a trier. N said his neighbour is happy for us to use her super-duper massive arena to work in so can't wait to practise in there next session. She's a really cool colour. My genius-pal H says she is sabino colouring. Funky! Am planning to go there on Fri afternoon.
Horse Coat Colors: Appaloosa, Dominant White, Equine Coat Color Genetics, Champagne Gene, Sabino Horse, Cream Gene, Roan, White, Seal Brown
After THAT I then went to D's yard and helped her until my best friend C came and I rode her horse M. C and S made me a makeshift arena in their jumping paddock and we had a go at some dressage and then popped a few jumps. WOW this horse is amezzin. I really hope I can take her to some competitions for C.
At the end of yesterday I was filthy, sweaty and unsuprisingly SUNBURNT! Can you believe it? Got the weather has a massive effect on my wellbeing. It makes me happy!
Must buy some of this though!