JCS Equestrian Google Calendar

Monday, 21 December 2009

Fail to Plan and you Plan to Fail

Well, I am quite excited that I got myself some free business cards to motivate me and realise that I can have my own business if I really want to. Thanks Vistaprint :-) I even got some free post it notes with my name on too. I love all things stationary and marketing/promotions so this was a nice Christmas present to myself.

I've been researching and planning quite a bit, thanks to Business Link and their Start Quest email course that helps you plan starting your own business. It has been very helpful and I've been looking into what grants are available for me to set up a little office at home or to help with marketing etc..

I'm hoping to meet up with the owner of a local equestrian centre to have a chat about teaching there a couple of days a week to get started and then build up my own client base in the area. A few friends are going to spread the word for me still which is very kind of them.

I'm a little stuck at the moment as I am currently lame and been off with a hip injury - typical, but at least it is giving me time to write a few plans down and get some ideas for a business plan sorted. I am lucky to have a very supportive boyfriend who has told me not to worry about finances at the moment while I'm not working.

Well, I had really better get on with the last of the Christmas present shopping and attempt a few of my physio exercises at the same time - hilarious if you saw me!

~* Merry Christmas *~

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