JCS Equestrian Google Calendar

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Shiatsu? Bless you!

Well, OP had some shiatsu treatment today from the lovely Donna Mann.  Well, she checked him alll over and he seemed in good nick - no really hot or cold spots and gave him an all over treatment.  Well, he melted!  That's the only way to describe it really!  He was all nuzzly and relaxed and completely chilled out at the end.

I thoroughly recommend it even if, like for OP it was more of a "feel-good" therapy.  Just like us going to a spa or having a massage, he looked completely relaxed and sooo happy.  She gave me some exercises to do and opened my mind to alternative therapies for neddies.

Donna not only is a human and equine shiatsu student training with Sue Hix but she is a student of the AMEZZIN Kelly Marks and working towards gaining the phenomenal Monty Roberts Preliminary Certificate of Horsemanship. Donna gives advice on equine behaviour and training using Intelligent Horsemanship techniques.  I hope in time she will become a Recommended Associate like the BRILLIANT Garry Bosworth.

Donna is peeking over Monty's shoulder in the middle!

As if that wasn't enough, Donna also runs Scunthorpe Pet Sitters where she offers a range of dog walking and pet sitting services as well as basic dog behaviour and training tips.

To top it all (yes she really does do even MORE!)  Donna is the BHS North Lincolnshire District Representative!!!

Find her Facebook and book her for a a treatment for you AND your horse - you'll like it I'm sure!


Monday, 2 May 2011

Crikey it's May!


Well since my last blog, my "normal" job situation has become a bit pants.  Cut to two and a half days a week = half the pay.  Boo.  On the up side (as I nearly ALWAYS think on the positive side!) this means more time to ride and teach!  So the plan is to push my coaching BIG style.  I'm hoping to become a member of the newly BHS affiliated Alkborough and District Saddle Club next week and am really excited about training the members on a regular basis as well as writing the monthly newsletters and being involved in meetings, ridden and social activity organising.

If anyone has any ideas about how I can promote myself on a tiny budget, please contact me?  Other than sending out my info to all the tack shops, yards and clubs in the region, not sure how else to get more teaching work.

I have moved OP to East Halton now - he's doing so well.  In less than a month he has re-blossomed into the quarter horse I love.  All bottom and shoulders!  Have a look at my very Orange Pony below.

He's still got evidence of war wounds from his previous field pals but I'm hoping they'll all be gone soon.  My only worry is that OP is on his own in his paddock.  He has got sheep next door and dogs and cats come to visit him from the house but not another horse.  He seems to be fine and has settled so well.  I am considering either retrieving my Welsh A from on loan to use as a companion or looking out for a local pony that needs a home as a companion.  

I will have to see how OP gets on.   Especially as he is now on a fitness regime!  I am planning to get the boy fit so that I can aim for a couple of events towards the end of summer, namely East Halton Show in August and Bagmoor Lane Hunter Trial in September.  My goals are SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.  I have a 14.2hh orange quarter horse!  I am working towards a SPECIFIC event doing an activity that is MEASURABLE in how I can know if I am making progress.  My goals are ACHIEVABLE, I am not aiming for Burghley or Olympia!  Local shows are best for me right now and entering classes that I think are attainable but I will have to work hard to reach them.  I have been REALISTIC in my my choice of goal and it is also RELEVANT to me.  I've not chosen a goal competing in polo for example - something I and OP have never done!  Lastly my goal is TIMELY.  I have a date to work towards so I can start planning how I can reach that target date by planning my time to get OP and me fit and trained to enable us to compete to the best we can.

I have found this website Focused Riding useful.  There are plenty of websites out there:

The Focused Riding website even has downloadable training calendars!  AMEZZIN!  Guess who'll be doing that!

Have you got a goal that you would like to achieve?  Maybe I can help you with your performance management and keeping you on track to achieving your goal.  Give me a call or email me or find me on Facebook.

Happy Riding!

Monday, 28 March 2011

First Aid, Loading Demo and Police Horse Visit = Busy week!


Thursday involved getting up SUPER early to drive to Cheshire Riding School to do my ESFAC (Equine Specific First Aid Course) refresher.  Was a really good course conducted by Jon.  We went over head injuries, fractures, angina, heart attacks, stroke, shock, concussion, choke and cardiac arrest to name a few ailments!  All discussed in relation to the equine injury and how they could happen or be incurred in a horse related situation.

Found out some very interesting facts about body protectors, under-wired bras, mobile phones carried in jodhpur pockets or chest pockets and how to recognise pelvic fractures and if the person is screaming, GREAT!  It means their ABC's are working!

Did the full CPR procedure including assessing for danger, checking responses and assessing injured person before calling 999 and administering CPR.

Next job is 300 word essay on 3 different first aid situations before I get my referesher qualification.

Loading Horse Demo

Garry Bosworth of Equine Empathy held a talk on loading horses with the help of video footage of horses he has worked.  A very common problem among horse owners, is that of a horse that will not load willingly onto a horsebox.  At the talk we learnt some simple techniques to help overcome this problem. It was brilliant and Garry is ace.  I'd quite like to shadow him and learn some more about Intelligent Horsemanship.  I got OP a Dually headcollar as well.  Having seen the benefits of one, in only a couple of days, I've felt an improvement in my handling and how I try harder to communicate better with OP.  It's all about good communication and clear instructions.  No force, just firmness.  No pain, just willingness.  Horses don't take the piss - how would they know how?  We do though, by not trying to understand correctly how our horses behave and move and talk to us.  Bit deep for a Monday night you might say, but true!  I challenge you to communicate better with your horse without using force but not being a wet lettuce  either!

Police Horse Visit

Yesterday afternoon was spent at the Walkington Police Horse Stables having a lovely tour and demo of two very different police horses in training.  Julie Compton and Emma Snowden were great.  We loved the horses - all REALLY BIG but stunning.  I was more interested in their training, their tack and the new 59 plate IVECO lorries!  The bridlework is made by Patrick WIlkinson in Beverley - very nice!  The Police Horses were beautiful.  Even the other half fancies one now after seeing these handsome chaps.  Now the lorries ... WOW!  I wish!

All in all - a lovely weekend.


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

500 days to the Olympics!

How exciting!  The countdown has officially begun, well after a false start form the Omega clock oops!  I'm looking forward to it.  I'm a Specialist Gamesmaker volunteer and can't wait to be part of it!  I don't care what I do as long as I am vaguely near to the horses at Greenwich!

Has anyone put their names down to do this too or to get tickets?

Livery News ...

I think I may have found somewhere to move OP to in East Halton which should hopefully work quite well until I find a proper base nearer to home.  I'll have the use of an arena too and have met two lovely local ladies willing to take me for a hack around the area to find my bearings!

Still potentially looking for a yard to rent to have all to myself to run a business from.  I want to break and train neddies and school on ones that have potential.  Possibly a spot of livery and then lots of coaching - ah to dream.  Seriously though - if you know a yard to rent with and arena - please contact me!

Sadly, only 13 days til I might lose my day job at the council - poo pants poo. So, if you would like to book some coaching with me or if you would like me to school/exercise your horse - get in touch.

I wish....

My lovely acquaintance down south, Wiola of Aspire Equestrian is doing so well with her academy.  She really is an inspiration and I wish I could be one of her BHS exam case study riders.  Once my BHSAI portfolio is out of the way in May, I've set my sights on the BHS Stage 4.  Oh yes.  I know I have the ability and motoivation to do it but am so out of practice and desperately need a mentor and trainer - not one to be found near me!  Any one got any ideas or can recommend anyone to train me?  I've got to be able to do this ...

Stage 4 - Riding
Ability to ride and improve horses both on the flat and over fences effectively with style and equestrian
tact. Assessing horse’s performance, present standard, problems and the type of work for which they
are best suited. Ability to ride and train horses for Elementary Dressage tests, Novice Horse Trials and
Newcomers Show Jumping competitions.


Ride a variety of horses to produce the
best from them in their basic gaits and
way of going, discover any problems,
discuss their findings, and give plans to
resolve or improve the problems.
Develop work to Elementary level
including ‘Walk Pirouettes’ if and when
the horse is working well enough.

Be effective and knowledgeable, over
show jumps and cross-country fences,
riding with balance, harmony and
Assess and discuss horses balance,
rhythm, straightness, boldness, scope,
and acceptance of aids.

Lunge horses effectively showing
experience and efficiency in handling
the lunge equipment and the horse.
Assess and develop the gaits of the
Discuss performance and future work.

Show a sound knowledge and
experience of training horses from early
handling to maturity and for competition
up to Elementary Dressage; Novice
Horse Trials; Newcomers SJ and
Endurance Riding.
Speak from experience on problems
encountered and corrective exercises in
the work on the flat, over Show Jumps
and Cross-country.

Hmmmm, I think I am a tad rusty on some of these elements and certainly DO NOT have a horse to practice this on.  My horse has only just remembered he can be ridden!!!

I could maybe borrow Millie and try and train her up for some of it.  I wonder if anyone else will let me borrow their horses too???

Monday, 7 March 2011

I've ridden my Orange Pony!!!

I am so happy.  I've had the best weekend.  I lunged OP on Fri after work.  I lunged and sat on him on Sat afternoon.  On Sunday my BFF Claire helped me lunge and get on and ride OP all by myself.  It was like he'd never forgotten he was broken in!!!  Was a star.

Tonight, I left work early because it was so beautiful and sunny to ride OP again.  I jumped straight on him in the ringpen.  Makes you feel ace.  I've got my riding mojo back and really got the bug to ride ride ride.

I rode Elsa pony after the group lesson I did on Sunday too.  We had done polework and a couple of doubles.  Aimee asked if I wanted to ride Elsa - OF COURSE I DID!!  So I popped over the jumps.  Was a lot of fun.

I also rode Millie for nearly two hours on Sunday with my BFF on big Beamer!.  Millie completely let rip in the woods and I could not stop!  Brilliant.

On the lesson front, Linder rode Benji like a star.  Benji is one sharp pony but such a good boy and on a steep learning curve but will be so happy with life at Linder's.  He's having to learn to be a chilled out horse rather than a go-go-go pony.  He's getting there too because I've noticed how he is responding to work and enjoying having a new job with a lovely lady who understands him and has sensible goals!

Amy with Kokes (4 year old coloured sport horse) is progressing well now she has got a structure and plan to the work that she does with him.  Kokes is young but learning well and Amy is taking on board that work has to take into account that he is still growing and maturing and needs to reflect and help this so that he builds up his muscles in an even way.  I like teaching Amy.  I used to teach her when she was a little girl at Normanby so it's fun now that she's older and got the knowledge and understanding to put in the practice on her own horse.

Coming up this week ...

Riding OP tomorrow night after work.
Wednesday and Thursday are meant to be pants weather so prob won't get to do anything horsey.
Friday I hope to ride OP again after work.
Saturday teaching Linder at 10.30 am and Amy at 12 midday.
Sunday teaching the Mell's gang at 3.30pm.

So if anyone wants to book me for a free assessment lesson or a coaching session, please contact me.

Mobile: 07731 361339
Email: jodi-shanahan@live.co.uk
Twitter: JCSEquestrian
Facebook: JCS Equestrian
Website: www.jcs-equestrian.co.uk

See you soon!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Alkborough & District Saddle Club

Next meeting is on Monday 21st March at The Flixborough Inn pub.  This time we are going to have a brief meeting and then have a mixed general knowledge and horsey quiz followed by chip butties!  Guess who is writing the horsey quiz questions?  Yup.... me!   Hmmmm shall I be tough or do some nice easy ones?

I'm hoping we'll have a member feedback form for people to fill so that we can suss out what members want from the club with regards to ridden, social and  informative training, coaching or events etc.

Looking forward to it.

I'm cracking on with the quarterly newsletter too.  Hoping to have it in some sort of shape or form next week to give to Shelley for editing!  Need to rustle up some advertisers too!

Tonight I'm going to Bishop Burton College with the other half to investigate a job their for him.  Back there again on the 19th to investigate a coaching degree for me to do maybe.  Should be a fun Open Day too.  I'll get to have a good nosey around the massive equestrian complex.  It's an Olympic training venue too.  Exciting.

Don't forget you can follow me on Twitter and visit my page on the mighty Facebook too.

Bye for now!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

2011 Prices and Website News!


I thought I'd put my prices on my blog for all to see and then you can book  for your ***FREE*** half hour assessment session.

To book, please call/text/email/FB message/Tweet me!

  • 1 hour private session £25 each

  • 1/2 hour private session £15 each

  • 1 hour semi-private session (2 riders) £20 each

  • 1 hour group session (3-4 riders) £10 each (BARGAIN!)
I also charge the same prices for ridden exercise/schooling sessions on your own horse.

Don't forget I am a qualified groom too so can offer up my fab grooming skills to you for modest fees as well as being able to provide BHS Horse Owners Certificate training!

PLUS!!!!!  My website JCS Equestrian will be fully up and running soon - very exciting!  So please keep checking back often.

Let's hope this weather stays dry and a little sunshine arrives for us all to enjoy riding in the evenings and at weekends soon!  Can't wait for the clocks to change.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Looking for Livery

Is a good, bog-standard livery yard too much to ask for?  Do they even exist?  I don't want much, just a paddock, a stable, an outdoor arena and not to worry about forage supplies and getting run over by buses when turning out and fetching in!

If anyone knows of a livery yard or paddock and stable to rent or a small yard to rent near Ulceby/Goxhill/East Halton/Immingham/Killingholme PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!!

I've been to Graham Scott's, Mrs Pawson's, JJ Equestrian and Lopham's.  One has fab stabling but tiny indoor arena and no outdoor.  One is a run down closed down riding school, one is full livery and expensive with everything I want but can't afford and one is "just a riding school".

My wishlist is ....

Paddock - not on a main road, well fenced, water supply, with some of that green leafy stuff in it.
Stable - that a 14.2hh orange pony can fit in.
Arena - outdoor at least 20x40m, enclosed and with a reasonable surface.
Supply of hay and straw or shavings or anything!
Quiet traffic - no turning out across a busy road where I'll get scared to death by double deckers or quarry lorries!!!

Is this too much to ask?!?!?

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Rained Off!

Well, thanks precipitation!  All lessons moved to tomorrow due to the constant piddle!  So Sunday is now a tad full.  Lessons starting at 10.30am then 11am and 1pm, 2pm and 3pm!

Also, due to the rain, the horses had to stay in to keep the field in good nick.  It's a contentious issue at the yard.  I know some stables turn out regardless of the weather and have winter fields just for the purpose that are allowed to get trashed a bit in order for the beasts to stretch their legs.  Other yards are strict and have restricted turn-out for just a few hours a day.  Would be interested to know people's views on this?  Or alternative routines?

Talking of livery yards, I am currently trying ot find one closer to home (Thornton Abbey, near Ulceby/Goxhill/East Halton).  If you know of anywhere that has an outdoor arena, does DIY or part livery and has turn-out and a stable, please let me know!?!!?  So far been to:

* Pawsons in Ulceby - closed down riding school, no proper arena and poor wooden stabling and little grazing £25/week.

* Graham Scott's in Ulceby - No outdoor arena, big stables, 10x35m indoor exercise arena, winter and summer turn-out, haylage, tack room, feed room, secure, £25/week for stable plus hay and straw on top.

* JJ Equestrian in Goxhill - £70/week full livery - amezzin, massive outdoor arena, individual turn-out paddock, rubber matting, shavings, feed, hay or haylage, ace ace ace but £££££££££££££££!!!  Jo was lovely though.

* Lophams in Goxhill - only a kids riding school and the Van Den Bos woman that runs it was most unfriendly too!

All no good sadly.

Does a yard exist with the things that I need I wonder?  Back to Google maps to search for arenas nearby LOL!

Friday, 18 February 2011

February 2011


It's been a busy couple of weeks.  I'll bring you up to speed.

I've found out that my "day-job" with the council is due to be cut at the end of March.  Bugger.  However, I'm waiting to find out if there is a part-time position that would be ace.  Why?  Because that would mean I could coach during the week!  I am very excited about this prospect as it opens up more options for potential clients, espesh as I've had a couple of riders say that they would be very interested in having mid-week lessons.  Another advantage is that I would have time to sort out OP.  The poor pony hasn't done anything for months and I want to bring him back asap.

In other news ...

My client list is growing well.  I've got LM with her little New Forest pony, AD with her coloured youngster and ES with her very capable cob!  They take up a chunk of my teaching on Saturday's at the moment but hoping to fill my day soon!

Having joined Alkborough and District Saddle Club and now become their Ridden Event's Organiser/Training Officer/Newletter Editor, I very excited about my future as a coach.  At the last meeting (Tues night), it was decided that the club would definately become affiliated to the BHS and become a full British Riding Club!  Amezzin!  AND I am involved with it!   I'm hoping to inject some enthusiasm and energy into the club and provide training sessions, ridden events and lecture/demos for the members.  I've managed to recruit my BFF, CB as the Treasurer of the club as she is a financial whizz.  Thanks C!!!  Through networking I've re-made acquaintance with another instructor LT at a local riding school Normanby Park Riding School and the club will be able to hire their arena for training sessions which is ace.  I am looking to find a grass paddock type venue close to Alkborough to also use as a training area.  Any ideas would be helpful?

My other roles with the club are to write the newsletter and promote the club through various media channels.   I'm going to contact my uncle (he's in the newspaper business) for advice on how best to handle local newspapers etc to promote the club and it's events etc to their best.  I love all this kind of thing!  Next plan I think is to get myself a laptop so that I don't have to keep pinching A's pc all the time. 

If you would like to join the club - please do!  It's fab for socialising, networking and soon to be THE club to join for fun and informative training sessions and events! Details below:

Our membership fees:

Social Membership Annual Fee £ 7.50
Full Membership Annual Fee £15.00
Family Membership Annual Fee £25.00
Honorary Membership FREE

Full membership details, our rules and constitution plus our membership form can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.

Membership Form
Standard Rules & Constitution

More news ...

Having recovered from various types of poorliness recently I am absolutely REFUSING to be ill again!  I would not wish a sinus infection on anyone and having been to the dentist, fingers crossed I won't have so many problems that way on for a bit too - phew!  Homelife is good and I want to keep it that way.  Boy am I looking forward ot the clocks changing and lighter nights.  CAN'T WAIT! :-)

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Long Time No See!

OK well I've been away for a while - life happened and got in the way but now I am back!

Lots of changes but all for the better!  New partner, new home, new yard!

I've moved OP to a lovely little yard where he and I have both made some friends.  I have hopefully managed to find some new clients to coach too.

I wonder how everyone has managed during the very wintry weather that we have had.  I know most of my equestrian contacts have done little or no exercise with their horses. At my yard, even though we have an arena and a lunge pen they were for the most part either under snow or frozen solid!

Now that all the snow and ice has gone I am actively looking for new clients to teach as I want to complete my BHSAI portfolio asap.  I've got some fab volunteers at the yard but I want more!  Think I may have to do some networking.

Talking of networking ... next Sunday is the Alkborough & District Saddle Club Horseman's Demo at Winterton Rangers FC 12-3pm.  I'm hoping to meet, greet and rub shoulders with lots of horsey peeps.  Fingers crossed I'll find some more clients.

Now is time to do a little coaching planning!

Bye for now.

