JCS Equestrian Google Calendar

Friday, 18 February 2011

February 2011


It's been a busy couple of weeks.  I'll bring you up to speed.

I've found out that my "day-job" with the council is due to be cut at the end of March.  Bugger.  However, I'm waiting to find out if there is a part-time position that would be ace.  Why?  Because that would mean I could coach during the week!  I am very excited about this prospect as it opens up more options for potential clients, espesh as I've had a couple of riders say that they would be very interested in having mid-week lessons.  Another advantage is that I would have time to sort out OP.  The poor pony hasn't done anything for months and I want to bring him back asap.

In other news ...

My client list is growing well.  I've got LM with her little New Forest pony, AD with her coloured youngster and ES with her very capable cob!  They take up a chunk of my teaching on Saturday's at the moment but hoping to fill my day soon!

Having joined Alkborough and District Saddle Club and now become their Ridden Event's Organiser/Training Officer/Newletter Editor, I very excited about my future as a coach.  At the last meeting (Tues night), it was decided that the club would definately become affiliated to the BHS and become a full British Riding Club!  Amezzin!  AND I am involved with it!   I'm hoping to inject some enthusiasm and energy into the club and provide training sessions, ridden events and lecture/demos for the members.  I've managed to recruit my BFF, CB as the Treasurer of the club as she is a financial whizz.  Thanks C!!!  Through networking I've re-made acquaintance with another instructor LT at a local riding school Normanby Park Riding School and the club will be able to hire their arena for training sessions which is ace.  I am looking to find a grass paddock type venue close to Alkborough to also use as a training area.  Any ideas would be helpful?

My other roles with the club are to write the newsletter and promote the club through various media channels.   I'm going to contact my uncle (he's in the newspaper business) for advice on how best to handle local newspapers etc to promote the club and it's events etc to their best.  I love all this kind of thing!  Next plan I think is to get myself a laptop so that I don't have to keep pinching A's pc all the time. 

If you would like to join the club - please do!  It's fab for socialising, networking and soon to be THE club to join for fun and informative training sessions and events! Details below:

Our membership fees:

Social Membership Annual Fee £ 7.50
Full Membership Annual Fee £15.00
Family Membership Annual Fee £25.00
Honorary Membership FREE

Full membership details, our rules and constitution plus our membership form can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.

Membership Form
Standard Rules & Constitution

More news ...

Having recovered from various types of poorliness recently I am absolutely REFUSING to be ill again!  I would not wish a sinus infection on anyone and having been to the dentist, fingers crossed I won't have so many problems that way on for a bit too - phew!  Homelife is good and I want to keep it that way.  Boy am I looking forward ot the clocks changing and lighter nights.  CAN'T WAIT! :-)

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